Our Transition to Teaching Certificate is designed to teach you how to provide targeted instruction in a teaching environment. This program is for candidates who have specific content knowledge and who desire to teach secondary education in the state of Kansas (Grades 6 to 12).
You will learn to employ effective curriculum planning through appropriate procedures, which take into consideration individual learner characteristics and apply effective instructional practices to enhance the learning of students.
If you’re looking for a school where you can earn your Transition to Teaching Certificate, contact MNU today.
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Varies by program See Program Costs for more information.
This program is eligible for the RISE Opportunity Scholarship. MNU has committed over 2 million dollars to support adult students who wish to complete an advanced degree. Apply now or connect with admissions to learn more: pgadmissions@vko29.com or 913.971.3800
Your degree is an investment in your future. We have a variety of different payment options available, so you can choose the option or combination of options, that best fits your situation. The total cost will be calculated based on your program and can be divided into multiple payments.
The Federal Direct Student Loan Program is an additional payment option. MNU School Code: 007032. Information and applications may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Services Office at 913.971.3298 or finaid@vko29.com.
MNU appreciates the service and protection that the Military provides for us all. We offer a Military Financial Aid Program that can help active military, veterans and their spouses reposition themselves in the working world.
Now accepting applications for the current term.
*Some exceptions made on case by case basis
An individual who does not meet regular admission requirements, but who desires to pursue work leading to a Master of Education degree at MidAmerica Nazarene University, may be permitted to enroll conditionally in a limited number of graduate courses. Regular status may be gained after removal of deficiencies and/or completion of acceptable work at MidAmerica Nazarene University of not fewer than six semester hours of graduate study.
Prospective students will need to provide:
Please review the requirements below. Then complete an MNU online application submitting all necessary documents. You will have two options should you meet the required qualifications: Non degree or Transition to Teaching.
Request for this to be a variable credit course
The purpose of this course is to create an awareness of the teaching profession by reflecting about oneself, students, schools and classrooms as the foundations for becoming an educator. The course will also provide procedures and requirements for becoming a professional educator in three ways: 1) concerns and realities of entering the teaching profession, 2) the significance and value of student diversity, and 3) complex social, cultural, and academic realities of the classroom and school. This course is also designed to examine the institutional development of public education in the United States with an interpretation of political, philosophical, and social forces influencing general, special and inclusive education development including legal rights of students relative to special education. The scope of this course is to study the philosophical, historical and foundational roles of schools, teachers and American society, and to explore American educational systems and focus on the conflict of values and critical changes experienced in education. Additionally, the philosophical forces, roles, ethical standards and professional guidelines in education will be addressed.
The teacher candidate demonstrates knowledge and skills in the effective organization of physical space, the establishment of classroom rules and routines to manage student behavior, and the provision of an environment conducive to learning; the use of problem solving models, including Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) within the Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS) framework; conducts Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBA), and develops Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP) to manage behavior and facilitate appropriate behavioral responses; demonstrates cultural sensitivity in the development and use of social skills curricula; and promotes the self-determination skills of learners. It is offered in an online format with periodic F2F meetings.
EDUC 6804 Teaching Internship I (3 cr hrs)
This course is for Restricted Licensure program candidates during their first year of teaching. This course involves observation and evaluation of candidates in their first semester of teaching by both their mentor and university supervisors. Candidates participate in discussions and submit reflective journals concerning ongoing professional learning, and use evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner.
EDUC 6414 Teaching and Learning I (3 cr hrs) – request for this to be a variable credit course.
In this course students will engage in curriculum planning and development of units of learning following the principles of Concept Based Instruction and principles of Understanding Design for Learning.
The focus of this course is to introduce teacher candidates to the following concepts:
Teacher candidates will learn and employ effective curriculum planning through appropriate procedures (such as Universal Design for Learning), which take into consideration individual learner characteristics and apply effective instructional practices (including technology) to enhance the learning for all students. Elements including activities related to assessment, curriculum development and application of instructional practices are embedded in the educational setting.
EDUC 6805 Teaching Internship II (3 credit hours)
This course is for Restricted Licensure program students during their first year of teaching. This course involves observation and evaluation of candidates in the second semester of teaching by both their mentor and university supervisors. Candidates will complete the Teacher Work Sample. Candidates participate in discussions and submit reflective journals concerning appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, support staff, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
EDUC 6445 Teaching and Learning II (The Exceptional Child) (non practicum) (3 cr hrs) – request for this to be a variable credit course
Learning to diagnose and resource individuals and learning differences in the classroom are the foci of this course. Special attention is given to the psychosocial and educational needs of exceptional individuals. Candidates understand the development, implementation and assessment of IEPs as well as the legal parameters appropriate for each learner’s educational needs. Activities related to teaching special needs students are embedded in field experiences.
EDUC 6444 Teaching and Learning III (3 cr hrs)
Candidates will build a unit of study infused with differentiation and emphasizing tiered instruction to promote the self-determination of students. In addition, candidates will learn to make instructional alterations and decision-making based on formative assessment results. To effectively construct and teach units to K-12 students, this course will emphasize brain-based teaching, 21st Century Skills, data analysis, reflection, understanding students’ prior knowledge, curriculum mapping, Universal Design for Learning and backward design. Activities related to strategies for differentiation and assessment are embedded in field experiences. This course helps teacher candidates to identify and conduct themselves as members of the education profession. They know and use ethical guidelines and other professional standards. They are continuous, collaborative learners who engage in reflective practice, demonstrate critical perspectives, and make informed and ethical decisions. They are informed advocates for sound educational practices and policies.
EDUC 6806 Teaching Internship III (1 cr hrs)
This course is for Restricted Licensure program students during their second year of teaching. This course involves observation and evaluation of candidates in the third semester of teaching by both their mentor and university supervisors.
EDUC 6807 Teaching Internship IV (1 cr hrs)
This course is for Restricted Licensure program students during their second year of teaching. This course involves observation and evaluation of candidates in the fourth semester of teaching by both their mentor and university supervisors.
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2030 E. College Way
Olathe, KS 66062-1899
913-782-3750 or 800-800-8887